27 May 2017

Jamboree 2017 - What's in YOUR Luggage?

It's almost showtime for the Genetic Genealogy and Jamboree 2017 conferences!

We want to make sure everyone has the best time possible, so we have some tips to help you pack.

June is traditionally associated with summer and fun - so plan accordingly! M
ornings and evenings in Southern California can be cool with a layer of what we call "June Gloom." Never fear, though - it burns off and temperatures can rise dramatically when the sun comes out. Just be prepared. Conference room temperatures can also vary, so prepare to layer to adjust accordingly.

Things to Bring to Jamboree
  • Comfortable clothes. Sessions and workshops are not formal, so please bring or wear something that you feel good in, and can move about in. Think business casual. This includes comfortable shoes and a light jacket, sweater or wrap in case the rooms are cool. Don't forget your favorite tee shirt, hat, kilt, tartan, tiara, superhero cape, mask or whatever you've chosen for the "Heroes and Villains" Contest on Sunday! 
  • Address labels and business cards. Bring pre-printed labels to make filling out contest forms in the Exhibit Hall and elsewhere a snap. Business cards for networking come in handy - especially if you put surnames on them (hint: cousin bait!).
  • Hi-Tech Gear. Bring your smartphone, tablet, laptop, digital camera, and whatever else you rely on, as well as any chargers you need. Make sure you've downloaded the App (from the App store or from Google Play), planned your schedule (a primary and a backup session for each hour just in case), and plotted out your tour of the Exhibit Hall and special activities. 
  • Low-Tech Alternatives. We know you live in the digital age, but there may come a time when your phone or tablet is low on power, and the electrical sockets are nowhere in sight. You don't want to miss out on anything - so be prepared. Bring a pen and a notebook. We promise - writing will not hurt you! If you need help, the Jamboree team will be on hand to calm your nerves
  • Personal Items. As with any trip, don't forget your medications or anything you need on a daily basis - like extra glasses, your debit/credit cards, and money. We know you may love your favorite fragrance, so we ask that, out of consideration for the others in the conference, you leave your perfume at home so you don't trigger allergy sneezes from the people around you. And please, leave your valuables at home. There's no place to check them in.
  • Genealogy. This is, after all, a genealogy conference. You might run into a cousin or two - be ready with those family group sheets or pedigree charts. Also, take a look at the exhibitors and the research assistance opportunities...you might want to bring your brick wall and any information you think will help others help you.

So....what will you bring?  
Anything fun and exciting?  Let us know!  

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